The fourth piece of design work for my portfolio is an image that demonstrates my skills in digital communication, specifically showing interactivity. This image was created in Adobe Illustrator; the rectangle tool, ellipse tool, line segment tool, gradients, and type tool were utilized to complete the image. Depicted in the image is a ‘SEND’ button in four different states: normal, hover, clicked, and complete. I felt button and the different states of the button were ideal in showing interactivity. A user will see a button in normal state and if the user mouses-over the button, the button will change color. If the user decides to click the ‘SEND’ button, the button will change color and the left icon will change from a letter to circle buffer. The ‘SEND’ button will inform the user that the message they wanted to send is ‘SENDING’. Once the message has been sent successfully, the left icon will change into a check mark and the ‘SENDING’ label will change to ‘SENT;’ informing the user that the process is complete and the button will change back to the normal state color.